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The AccuPyc II 1345 pycnometer from Micromeritics

Various internships and theses on our sites : Nantes - Lyon and Strasbourg (Bac+2, Master 1 and Master 2)
►Consultation: HERE

The Fête de la Science saw the launch of "Sciences en Bulles", a comic strip about theses.

The UMRAE, a research unit under the auspices of the Université Gustave Eiffel and Cerema, has 2 vacancies for researchers (civil servants) in environmental acoustics...

The UMRAE Nantes campus will be hosting 13 students from the Master's program Acoustics of the Environment: Transport, Building, City, as part of the agreement between Université Gustave Eiffel and Le Mans Université.

More information coming soon

The Noise-Planet team has been honored with the "Science ouverte du logiciel libre de la recherche" 2023 hashtag #prixscienceouverte award in the "Communauté espoir" category for the development of the NoiseCapture application.

This prize, organized by the French Ministry of Higher Education and…

Gonzalo DE LEON, a PhD student at UMRAE and the University of Pisa, has successfully defended his thesis entitled ...

by Pierre Aumond, Arnaud Can, researchers UMRAE as co-writers

Discover astonishing acoustic phenomena through aural and visual experiments.

On Air: Mapping and cataloguing the world and soundscapes, from Acoustics to Eco-acoustics