Jonathan Siliéza Montoya will present his thesis on 6 December at 1pm at the Université Gustave Eiffel on the Nantes campus.
Title : Multi-source modelling of urban sound environments
Jury :
- Arnaud CAN, Director of Research, Gustave Eiffel University, thesis supervisor
- Pierre AUMOND, Research Associate, Université Gustave Eiffel, thesis supervisor
- Paul CHAPRON, Research Associate, Gustave Eiffel University, thesis supervisor
- Jian KANG, Professor, University College of London, rapporteur
- Claudio GUARNACCIA, Professor, University of Salerno, rapporteur
- Catherine LAVANDIER, Professor, University of Cergy-Pontoise, examiner
- Adrien PELAT, Professor, Le Mans University, guest speaker