Stéphane Dilungana, PhD student INRIA-ICUBE-Cerema (UMRAE), is defending his doctoral thesis on the morning of 04/09/2024 at Cerema's Strasbourg office.
Title : Optimization for determining the acoustic properties of a room from audio signals
Jury :
- M. MICHEL Olivier, Professor, Université Grenoble Alpes (Reviewer)
- M. RICHARD Gaël, Professor, Télécom Paris (Reviewer)
- Mme MESLEM Amina, Professor, Université de Rennes 1 (Examiner)
- M. FAISAN Sylvain, Associate professor HDR, Université de Strasbourg (Thesis director)
- M. DELEFORGE Antoine, Research fellow Inria, Strasbourg agency (Thesis co-director)
- M. FOY Cédric, Research fellow UMRAE, Cerema, Strasbourg agency (Thesis co-director)
This thesis is part of the project ACOUST.IA presented here :