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You want to know more about the project? Read the article published in the monthly magazine of the city of Rezé below.

Charlotte Curé, Researcher at UMRAE, will speak on Thursday, March 30, at the "Generation Ocean" conferences at the Cité de la Mer in Cherbourg, on "Soundscapes of the ocean floor", bio-acoustics, listening to underwater life, and what underwater listening teaches us, particularly about cetaceans...…

The National Research Agency (ANR) project SYMEXPO (SYstemic approach for assessing the impact of urban Mobility on EXposure to environmental POllutions) website is now on line.

Find out more

Interview with David Ecotière - Researcher in environmental acoustics, UMRAE-Cerema and Anne-Sophie Evrard - Researcher in epidemiology, Université Gustave Eiffel

by The Conversation - online media

Read article in french only

on the occasion of the release of the film : les gardiennes de la planète  (the guardians of the planet)

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Subject : Modelling of wheel/rail vibration instabilities in curves : application to squeal noise and rail corrugation

Main discipline: solid mechanics, dynamics of structures and systems

Location : Lyon area

Fact sheet

      Main tasks :

  •  Lead, manage and contribute to digital development projects
  •  Explore new digital approaches for environmental acoustics (artificial intelligence, etc.)
  •  Animate user communities around the tools distributed (training, communication)
  •  Develop socio-economic partnerships in…

 You can read the thematic file "What solutions to urban noise?", coordinated by Judicaël Picaut, on the new platform for consulting and downloading thematic files REFLEXSCIENCE,of the Université Gustave Eiffel.

Topics covered :

Understanding the disturbance and the effects caused by noise

The Citizen Science research project SonoRezé carried out by UMRAE continues with SonoRezé II thanks to the National Research Agency (ANR).

This participative project proposes, among other things, collective noise measurement sessions (with the NoiseCapture application) by the inhabitants of the…

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The UMRAE wishes you a pleasant reading!