The dissemination of databases, particularly experimental databases, certainly constitutes a major valorization of the work of UMRAE. Indeed, one of the recognized specificities of the UMRAE lies in its ability to carry out large-scale experimental campaigns: noise/meteorological measurements in canyon street, measurements on scale models in semi-anechoic chamber, noise/meteorological measurements over water areas, in highly inhomogeneous environments (ground+meteorological effects), etc.
These data are used primarily for the UMRAE's own needs and those of its direct partners within the framework of its numerous collaborations. However, their dissemination to the scientific community is also an important element of valorisation. In particular, the following databases are freely accessible (online) for the scientific and technical community:
Reference databases

This database is offered in the form of an interactive site for acousticians and engineers in the field of environment and transport (road traffic), who wish to evaluate the effect of a particular pavement surface on the noise environment, for typical configurations proposed at the user's choice: 19 configurations of geometries and ground characteristics (absorption), 32 types of French and German pavements (characteristics provided), possibility for the user to import his own emission spectrum or traffic, calculations of LAeq and Lden regulatory indicators, export of results (tables and graphs).

The implementation in 2001 of a permanent noise/weather experimental site in Saint-Berthevin (F, 53) gave rise to an important experimental database, unique in the world and now freely available to the scientific community in the field of environmental acoustics.

Road pavement sound emissions database (BDECHO)
The need to reduce the noise caused by contact between tyres and road surfaces is an issue linked to noise pollution caused by road traffic. The mechanical noise of vehicles has decreased significantly and, above a certain speed, rolling noise becomes the predominant source of vehicle noise emissions.
To address this issue, a database was created. It is managed by the Strasbourg Regional Laboratory (UMRAE) and is fed regularly by the various regional laboratories carrying out rolling noise measurements. The content of this database makes it possible to rank pavement surfaces in relation to each other and to quantify the evolution of noise levels according to the age of these pavements.
A website hosting this database is under construction and will soon be online.