La 51ème édition du congrès INTERNOISE 2022, dédiée à la gestion du bruit pour un avenir plus durable, est un événement international réunissant une grande communauté de spécialistes scientifiques, ingénieurs et consultants. L'UMRAE sera présente au travers de nombreuses communications portant sur différents domaines de son expertise : Bruit environnemental (Environmental noise)
- A large-scale, long-term experimental campaign for the investigation of wind turbine noise fluctuations and amplitude modulation phenomena, D. Ecotière, B. Gauvreau, I. Schmich-Yamane, A. Alarcon, M-C. Nessi, F. Junker, V. Gary, L. Brendel, G. Litou, R. Boittin, L. Segaud, H. Lefèvre
- Modelling the uncertainties of wind farm noise predictions, B. Kayser, D. Ecotière, B. Gauvreau
- Sound environments and citizen action: what place for a participatory sciences tool? The case of the city of Rezé using NoiseCapture, A. Can, P. Audubert, P. Aumond, C. Guiu, T. Lorino, E. Rossa
- Strategic Noise Mapping in France to 2023: Coupling a national database with the open-source model NoiseModelling, P. Aumond, S. Cariou, O. Chiello, D. Ecotière, A. Le Bellec, D. Maltete, C. Marconot, N. Fortin, S. Palominos, G. Petit, J. Picaut
- Using clustering methods to detect quality data in a smartphone-based crowd-sourced database for environmental noise assessment, A. Boumchich, J. Picaut, E. Bocher
- Wind turbine noise modeling including aeroacoustic sources and propagation effects: comparison against field measurements, D. Mascarenhas, B. Cotté, O. Doaré, D. Ecotière, G. Guillaume, B. Gauvreau, I. Schmich-Yamane, F. Junker
Bruit des transports (Transportation noise)
- Factors influencing tyre/road noise under torque, C. Hoever, A. Tsotras, M-A. Pallas, J. Cesbron
- Investigation of electric vehicle noise sources on low-noise road surfaces, M-A. Pallas, S. Bianchetti, A. Le Bellec, J. Cesbron
- Modelling of wheel/rail squeal noise in curves from mono-harmonic vibratory limit cycles, O. Chiello, A. R. Tufano, M. Rissmann
- Porous top layer optimization of cement concrete slabs for tyre/road noise reduction, P. Klein, J. Cesbron, E. Genesseaux, T. Sedran, J. Waligora
- The challenging measurement of acoustic effect of road surface on truck tyre noise by standard close proximity method, J. Lelong, F. Anfosso-Lédée
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